I understand that these are truly exceptional times with the impact of social distancing on your companies! I hope all of you are finding ways to mitigate the effects of coronavirus on our lives.
As of March 31, 2020, Gov. Ducey put out a stay at home order. I have checked with local laws and insurance is considered an essential business. Therefore, JP Insurance Group will still stay open and be operating with normal business hours. At this time, neither Jane nor Marty have any symptoms and it’s easy to maintain the recommended six foot social distance spacing in our office.
We will also be keeping the amount of people allowed into the office at one time limited. You’re more than welcome to stop by if you have any questions and/or concerns however, we recommend that you call first to make sure that one of us will be available to see you at the time you need. Please don’t be offended if we don’t shake hands on your visit and we won’t be offended if you don’t reach out to shake ours!
We have been notified by a few insurance companies to temporary changes in their cancellation rules during this time of a national pandemic. If you are unable to make your monthly premium payments due to COVID-19 related issues, please contact either myself or Marty for guidance on what steps need to be taken.
While our nation is in a time of uncertainty, we want you to know that we think of our customers as family and hope that you all stay safe and healthy. We have the utmost faith that in a short time our lives and businesses will return to business as usual.
Stay Safe and God Bless,
Jane Penksa, CIC
JP Insurance Group, LLC
(480) 621-7220