Many of you have developed your business over the years to be a valuable and growing income producing asset. What if a key employee were to die or retire?
Did you know that Life insurance can provide $100,000(+) to replace that key person? If you died, would your spouse have to deal with other business partners? Would your spouse be prepared to continue the business or make the necessary changes? Did you know that if you are the Qualifying partner on your license and you die, your spouse only has 60 days to replace you as QP or forfeit the license?!
Best practices would dictate that you give some thought to a business continuation plan and/or a key man life insurance policy. We have recently partnered with Pekin Insurance Company to be able to provide you with the resources and markets to handle funding your business continuation plan with Life Insurance. To start this process, call the Office at 480-621-7220 to discuss any questions you may have or how this can benefit your business.
Jane Penksa, CIC
Owner / Independent Agent