2024 has been a rough year and many of our General Contractors have told us that they have a hard time finding trade contractors to sub work out to.

In an effort to help in that area, we’ve started a service where our Contractors can Network with each other. By doing this, you will know that the subcontractor is licensed, bonded and insured!

Click Here to Print the June List!

Would you like to see your Company’s name on the Next Quarters September Networking List? Click Here to join the list!

Please remember JP Insurance Group is not offering personal references for any company, just the contact info to make it easier for our Contractors to find other Contractors of a particular trade. It is still up to you to check the ROC to make sure their license is current and call us for a certificate of insurance. We will not be responsible if their work is not acceptable or if their policy cancels. The list will be updated quarterly and can be found on our Contractors Corner Blog. Please Contact Us with any questions.