Now Paying your bill is more convenient with our 24/7 online bill pay feature.
Please click on the logo of your Company* and have your user name, password and checking account information handy. If you need assistance please don’t hesitate to call us.
If you are logging on to CBIC for the first time you will need to click the register button toward the bottom under New Users. You will need to have your Bond or Insurance policy number AND your CBIC Billing Account number handy. *Does your policy number begin with the letters ‘CK’? If so Click Here instead. If you need help locating these numbers, please contact us.
To pay your invoice with BIS Please have your policy number and billing zip code handy. Please take note of the effective date of your policy and click the applicable button. If you need help locating your policy number, please contact us.
Click the Make a Payment button on the upper right. If you are logging on to IPFS for the first time you will need to click the New User Registration link. You will need to have your Web Access Code and zip code handy. You can find it on any correspondence received from Imperial PFS, including payment coupons or notices. If you need help locating your web access code, please contact us.
If you don’t see your insurance company above or need help paying your bill online please contact us.
*Please note by clicking on the logo for the Insurance Companies above you are leaving